A Quarter of a Year

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

This program is one of the best programs to send you’re children on, the amount of support and growth is an amazing trait to find in a program such as this. After having gone through three months of living with this program, I have had many amazing experiences, I have made four life long friends and wouldn’t change this experience if I could, I love this program and am sad to see this end, but I know that deep down this has changed and matured me further than college or any other program could. I loved being here, I loved the staff, I loved the culture, and I am thankful for the ability to fully appreciate what an amazing program this truly was. If you have any question on whether to spend a semester with Irish Gap Year, the answer is yes, for it had been the most amazing experience of my life.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed