A Solid Foundation to the world of TEFL

Instruction: 4
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 4

I think that some people have the naive assumption that being a native English speaker qualifies them as an English teacher. On the contrary, as I have learned throughout the process of this course, explaining the rules of English grammar to the initiate is far more challenging than simply knowing how to use them yourself. The course opened my mind to the complexities and challenging nature of the task that lies ahead. I feel that taking this course is a great first step on the path to what will become a successful teaching career.

Most of the units were interesting. I especially liked learning about the different philosophies of language instruction have been developed over the years. In one of the earlier units, for example, Noam Chomsky's theory of universal grammar is discussed in detail.

Likewise, the online assignments were actually quite engaging and allowed room for the exercise of creativity. For example, at the end of the grammar unit, after learning about all the different philosophies of grammar instruction, you are asked to write a document about your own personal philosophy to teaching grammar.

Overall, I found the University of Toronto's online TEFL program to be an effective and engaging introduction to the world of teaching English abroad. I feel more confident moving abroad and jumping into this radically new endeavor after completing this course.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed