Teaching in Thailand: What REALLY Happens

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 3
Academic Rigor: 3
Job Assistance: 5

Teaching in Thailand was one of the best things I could have ever done. I applied on a whim, utterly terrified and unsure of what to expect, but the staff at TravelBud (ESPECIALLY SASKIA :D ) could not have been more helpful and supportive, it was a huge comfort to me knowing that someone was hearing and helping me.
The TESOL course was incredibly helpful, I think I would've been completely lost without it as I'm still drawing on those skills that I learnt and it proved to be incredibly useful in the classroom.
The most important piece of advice I can give when finding your feet in this lovely country is this: KEEP. AN. OPEN. MIND.
I have always sworn by this but I found that it helps, especially in Thailand. My fellow Thai teachers are just AMAZING, helpful when you ask questions and love sharing food! (And I am someone that never turns down food, haha). Keeping an open mind when trying to immerse yourself in this new culture can be trying at first but it will be the best tool to help you overcome your anxiety about being outside of your comfort-zone. For me, it turned out to be a fun, amazing experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. I'm loving every minute of it, I love the new friends I've made and my students are growing on me each day!
Lastly, I'm loving this, I am so glad I chose to do this and one FINAL, extremely special THANK YOU to Saskia for helping me keep my head on straight!

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Year Completed