Ubud Bali.

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience volunteering with IVHQ in Ubud, Bali.
The program was extremely organised prior and throughout my experience.

I thoroughly enjoyed the orientation week that we had the opportunity to experience. I felt that I was able to experience a completely different side of the country than if I was simply a tourist.
I enjoyed the wide range of activities and experiences that we undertook throughout the week. This included Batik painting lessons, visits to the temple, walks around the rice field, language lessons and much more.
The language lessons were particularly valuable as I was able to use my knowledge when out at the local markets and in town. The locals were impressed with our knowledge of the language.
I felt through this orientation I saw a side to Bali that most people travelling there are not lucky enough to experience.

The staff at Green Lion Bali were not simply staff who worked there, they became friends. Everyone went out of their way to make all of us feel welcome and part of the community. The accomodation was nice and clean.

The actual volunteering experience was incredible.
I did the teaching project and myself and my friend had a year 4 class. The Green Lion staff were supportive throughout our lessons providing us with translation where appropriate.

The students were extremely eager to learn and extremely intelligent. It felt like we had made a difference.

I am so eager to do another volunteering trip with IVHQ.
It was my first time overseas and I enjoyed every minute of it.
I highly recommend IVHQ as an organisation.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed