Teaching English in Thailand- Krabi Town

Instruction: 4
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 3
Job Assistance: 5

TravelBud were very helpful in guidance and assistance for every detail major and minor (e.g. when it came to pre departure), putting your mind at ease knowing you were in safe hands.

Once in Thailand they provide 24 hour assistance of help if ever required. Very nice and friendly staff communicating with made it all the easier to ask questions whether big or small.

The three weeks TESOL course in Hua Hin via TravelBud's in-country partners was a memorable experience, where upon completion the placements team take into account your preferences and try to place you as best they can to the area you have requested. I was lucky enough to get mine in Krabi where I am teaching at a secondary school in Krabi Town.

I am loving the school, the kids are great fun to teach and the fellow teachers are very friendly and welcoming which has made my experience very memorable and all the more enjoyable!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed