Good way for first timers teaching abroad

Benefits: 4
Support: 3
Fun: 3
Facilities: 3
Safety: 5

Ultimately I am happy I went through CIEE. As someone who knows nothing about the school system in Thailand, it was extremely helpful to have an agency who placed me at a school and helped me find housing. I would have had a very hard time doing this on my own. That being said, there was confusion and misinformation given to me before I departed on behald of CIEE. I think there was a lack of communication between CIEE in America and OEG in Thailand. That was frustrating to deal with right before I left and moved across the world. However, I am truly thankful for the agency placing me and making sure I had housing. Figuring this all out in a new country would have been hard and it took a lot of stress and pressure off of me. I feel completely safe where I am placed.

Once in Thailand OEG was extremely friendly and helpful. They have continued to help and answer questions while I have been abroad as well.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed