Experience of a life time

Benefits: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I am extremely grateful for the amazing opportunity I was given in 2018 as camp councillor in both Italy and Austria. Honestly, it was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Firstly, the compassion and dedication of Nate and Ashley is amazing. They pour their heart and soul into the camps to ensure both the kids and tutors are left with positive experiences. It must be so much work and a huge commitment but they are have the perfect amount of energy and enthusiasm for the job!! Upon arriving in Assisi for orientation I was slightly nervous as I had no idea what to expect. I was quickly reassured at how amazing this opportunity would be the second I met Ashley and Nate and the other tutors.

One of the things that make this program so unique is the opportunity to stay with host families! I had some amazing experiences which ranged from eating delicious gelato to attending a concert in the Austrian alps! The families I was with were so welcoming and caring and quickly became home. They allow you to see a side of the country that isn't experienced as easily by tourists.

Working with kids may be hard work at times especially as you have the language barrier which may make it hard to communicate. But if you have positivity and enthusiasm the kids will really enjoy that and you can have so much fun mucking around and playing games with them.

Lastly, I am so grateful for the connections I have made with the other tutors. So many of them I would call lifelong friends and I am still in contact with them. They are by your side every day and quickly become more like family. It isn't every day that you have the chance to work alongside people whose passions and energy motivate and inspire you to strive for any goals you may have.

If you are thinking of applying for this program I would seriously recommend you go for it. Not because every day will be easy (because it can be exhausting some days) but it will be incredibly worth it. Even if you are tired remember where you are. Because it'll go by in the blink of an eye, and before long you'll be wishing you were back in the beautiful Italy and Austria.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed