You NEED to Study Abroad at Bond University with TEAN!

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Hi everyone! My name is Kaitlin and I have semi-recently returned from studying abroad in the Gold Coast of Australia at Bond University. I loved every second of my abroad experience. From the beautiful location I was able to live in, to the awesome school, great people on the program with me and the incredible destinations I was able to travel to, every second abroad exceeded my expectations. I would highly recommend choosing TEAN as your study abroad program if you are thinking of going to Bond University. The staff in both America and Australia were easily reachable and would quickly respond to any question I had about the abroad process. They provide spectacular living options for all budgets and even put on fun events throughout the semester like surfing lessons and jet-boating. I was able to travel to a country I had only ever dreamed of visiting and check so many activities and sites off my bucket list while abroad. And thanks to TEAN, I was able to make this big move stress free and ready for the adventure. I am so thankful for my outstanding abroad experience and would recommend it to everyone considering!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed