I’m ready to teach!

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 5

Vantage was great!

The observed teaching practices were both a lot of fun and an incredible learning experience. This is where I really acquired my new teaching skills. I found myself getting better with every practice session aide by the expert advice provided by the course instructors. After every assessment, I was always given a new challenge work in my next observed class. It was here that my teaching knowledge from the course book morphed into teaching skills.

I should back up a bit here. Before I even step into a classroom I first learned how to formulate a viable lesson plan so I could successfully teach to non-English speaking students. That meant I had to be aware of my student’s English levels. Vantage showed me how to do this. These guys are also an authorized Cambridge exam centre so teach about testing and how to measure language proficiency something I believe other TEFL centers don’t even cover.

As hard as this was in the beginning, with each succeeding lesson plan I seem to get better and faster so that by the course’s end I pretty much had this under control.

A truly great class with awesome instructors. You can’t go wrong with these guys.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed