Review of Cost Rica

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

My host home was absolutely amazing. The food was great and I had valuable conversations with my family and it helped to grow my Spanish speaking skills. The classes and material we learned in ‘class’ was very interesting and useful in certain settings, but the highlight of my trip was living with my host family. About 95% of the material/vocab we learned was new to me and it was very applicable in a medical setting. I really really thought the 2 professors were great, caring, and very helpful. Also, Angie is the best. All of the SOL team members were friendly and everything went very smoothly. The structured time vs unstructured(free time) was evenly split and i felt that i was able to do everything I wanted and more. I really enjoyed this trip, and I only wish I could stay here longer

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed