Jungle Conservation & Teaching English

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I spent a total of 5 weeks volunteering in Cusco, Peru through IVHQ. The application process was easy and straightforward. I felt supported through my application, preparation, and time in country. IVHQ was great about answering all of my questions and ensuring I was prepared for my trip. Once in Cusco, Maximo Nivel was the organization I worked with. I spent my first two weeks volunteering at Panthera Sanctuary in Puerto Maldonado, Peru for the Jungle Conservation Project. These two weeks were incredible and I would recommend it to anyone ready to leave wifi, electricity, and hot showers behind. It was so refreshing to live a simple life, working hard, and meeting new people. I also learned so much about plants, animals, and sustainability.
After the jungle, I spent three weeks teaching English in Cusco with Maximo Nivel. I spent two of the weeks teaching adults who work in the tourism industry. My last week was spent teaching English to children in an afterschool program. My recommendation is only do the teaching English to children if you have more time to give than I did. It was difficult to only be with the children for one week. All in all, I loved my experience and I feel that I learned and grew a lot. I would definitely recommend volunteering with IVHQ if you have the opportunity!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed