The Greatest Place on Earth: (No, not Disney World) CUSCO PERU!!!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

You can try to dream up everything about your first trip abroad, but it will never come close. First, you will not have predicted the tough times, such as acclimating to the super high altitude, getting sick from food, or having arguments with traveling partners on what to do and when. But more importantly, you will not be able to fathom the unforgettable people you will meet, places you will see, food you will eat, stories you'll learn, history you will uncover, and PERSONAL GROWTH you will experience. Cusco captured my heart with its mountainous beauty, lively festivals, historic traditions, and host family hospitality. From hiking Machu Picchu, learning to salsa dance, taking cooking lessons, atving through the mountains, and helping those in need in clinics, Cusco stole my heart.

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