This Program helps you make actual Difference in Social Impact space.

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Young Changemakers Program -

I enrolled with TribesforGOOD for a 3 month virtual internship program called the Young Changemakers program. Since, I have been pursuing a full time undergrad program visiting India was not possible. TribesforGOOD solved this problem by offering me a solution to work remotely.

The program had a combination of workshops, curated readings, training and hands on experience working closely with organisations (education,gender,etc.) in India.
A meticulous planning was firstly done through one-to-one mentor-ship session to design an action plan according to my interests & skills. Next part was to work on Design Thinking & implementing my Action plan.
The Action Plan I chose to work on - Poverty alleviation.
Throughout the internship, I had a facilitator from TribesforGOOD to help with the designing of solutions & to clear my queries.

By the end of this program TribesforGOOD & I were able to help me develop an
ability to think like an entrepreneur and consider issues from a variety of perspectives, learning to use my skills effectively & work in a complex environment.
The solutions I recommended to tackle Poverty were implemented in an actual setup which felt great to me.

I’d recommend this program to anyone planning their travel to India or looking to contribute remotely!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed