South Africa Vet Program

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I had the most amazing time at Feracare Wildlife Center. Being able to interact with the animals and learn more about conservation in a hands on way was incredible. I had never been up close and personal with cheetahs before, and the staff made sure that we felt very safe and comfortable working with them and all of the other species. The staff was very welcoming and by the end of the two weeks we had all become like a close knit family. We also got to go on a Safari of Kruger National Park and visit a traditional African village. A trip like this is sure to stand out of any vet school application. The trip also offers up to 3 credits through your school or Loop’s partner school Iowa Wesleyan University. This was definitely an educational experience I’ll never forget!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed