My Journey to South Korea.

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Why was it unique?

CIEE was the most structured program, which was why I chose it. Any initial questions that I had during my search were automatically answered through their coordinators or website. It made making the decision of which country to teach in very easy. Katy and Aubrey, two of the best coordinators and staff ever, personally helped me break down which documents to acquire and where. They are definitely steadfast and consistent throughout the whole process. I've been in Korea for 4 months. After speaking with other teaching expats it has become clear to me that other programs do not EVEN compare to CIEE. The benefits package, the support system, and the training are all above and beyond with CIEE.

Education wise, Michelle Nail, was the best educator on TEFL. I could not have asked for a better teacher.

Culturally, their Korean representatives, Yumi and Brad, prepared me for culture shock and aided me in times of need. They also chose the best school for my personality and needs. I couldn't ask for a better program.

Dear future participants,

Just know that you are in good hands. Not only from the TEFL and Cultural training but from document gathering and anxiety about moving to a new place. Like Allstate, you are in good hands.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed