on line 120 TESOL/TEFL course

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 5

I have chosen to take this course since I will be going abroad next year and my plan is to continue working as an english teacher. Searching for job postings abroad, I found out that the TEFL/TESOL course was a requirement in most of the jobs adverts. So I did some research on the options available for this course. The online course was my preferred choice since I could do it from home at my own pace and it was perfect for me. I was able to continue with my duties and in the free time dedicate time to do the course. I completed it in less than 4 months, and the timeframe given was up to 6 months. I liked the way the course is set up is. You learn about a topic in each of the units and after that you were required to take a test and it was pretty encouraging to do it this way. You could save the unit lesson to your computer for a future reference or to review the info before going into the test. In my case, some units were easier than others and some of them were very challenging, for instance the phonetics unit was tough for me . I have been working as an english teacher for some years now so I was familiar with some of the information provided but still there was always information that was very useful for me in every unit. Methodologies and resources were a great source for me , gave me so many other options to include in my lessons, and make my classes more dynamic and diverse. The videos provided in the course were very real and its a nice way to see the practical teaching ways and take advantage of it.During the course I was even able to include some of the learning information into my lessons and groups and they were very positive. I have now completed this course and I have to say it was a great investment for my career and it will definitively pay off. I do recommend this course to anyone going abroad and willing to have great content and learning as a second language english teacher.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed