My Gap at Glen Brook Experience

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

It is often times difficult for me to express how much I adore Glen Brook. I've been spending the past 8 summers there as a camper and CIT and it's a place I now consider my second home. This organic farm overlooking Mt. Monadnock is truly beautiful and filled with the most intelligent, kind hearted and mindful individuals that I'm grateful I've gotten to know and learn from. The lessons I had learned and the ways in which I had grown were already abundant from spending each summer there yet the gap program helped me grow in a new way. The connection I had with the Earth around me became even deeper and the ways in which I matured were pronounced. Stepping into an environment with little to no technology and distractive media truly helped me reflect on the world in which I inhabit. Learning to plant, grow and harvest our own vegetables to then directly cook for dinner with the other gapers gave me an immense amount of gratitude like no other. Similarly, using the wood from a fallen tree to carve a spoon instilled that same idea. It inspired a sense of personal responsibility as an individual living on this planet to act as I can to leave a positive footprint. Not to mention, this program has a wonderful balance of outdoor adventure trips, workshops, apprenticeships and meaningful activities. I learned an abundance of new skills, like cooking new dishes and creating a one match fire, as well as had the experience of living in a house with 10 other gapers. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to attend Gap at Glen Brook!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed