Incredible memories and a fun and impactful work experience

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

At my internships site, interns are given such amazing opportunities and responsibilities, regardless of qualification/experience, which I really loved. I also appreciated the large network of other interns that enriched my internship. The general tone in the office was serious and passionate but balanced with friendliness and humor, which made for a fun and impactful work experience. My most memorable moments included teaching a digital literacy course and when one of the clients from the Employment Access Program brought us flowers to thank us for helping him find a job.

I will definitely most miss the people I have met through VAC, RentARoom, and my internship site. I love Cape Town and how there is so much to see and do, but I am lucky that I am going to be back in the near future. I think my time in Cape Town taught me that I really love meeting and interacting with new and different people in work and outside of work. I am most grateful for the people at VA Corps. I really appreciated how quickly Kholi, Khuselwa, Loyiso, and the rest of the team were to care for and love all the interns. I also enjoyed how the VAC team hangs out and does activities with all the interns because it allows us to create lasting memories and build a strong, genuine bond.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed