120 Hours Online Takes Something

Instruction: 5
Support: 3
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 5
Job Assistance: 5

The course was a bit tough going (I still don't think I have those tenses properly sorted out in my head yet) until I got myself into a routine and then things started to go a lot smoother.

I recommend doing a unit a day of the 120 Hour online course, and getting the video package as well. Block out 2 hours a day. (I found that 10:00am to 12:00 noon worked best for me) and start by watching the video even if it doesn't make sense. Then when you read the PDF you'll get lots of "A-ha" moments "That's what they were talking about" For me it seemed to trick my mind into thinking I was recalling something, not learning something new. Thats my one big tip.

After you read the PDF print it out and have it with you when you need to recall things for the test.

One unit a day and in 21 days you'll be writing a review here as well. :-)

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed