Let's TEFL

Content: 3
Engagement: 2
Support: 4
Platform: 2
Value: 3

- Reasonably priced compared to many other TEFL courses being offered online.
- Sections have quizzes and are broken down into easy to digest, informative sections.
- Online support is available, and fairly fast email responses if they are offline.
- Final assignment is marked and returned to you within 7 days.
- Fast shipping of certificate.
- More than one chance if you fail the final exam or assignment.
- Staff will help you with finding an overseas placement if you wish.

- Let's TEFL implies they are UK based however they are not. The address on Let's TEFL certificate is listed as London, however, the certificate ships out from Taipei, Taiwan.
- I feel they could have had a more in depth online tutoring section, it only really covers teaching kids online. I would have liked some more guidance on adult online tutoring.
- I have concerns over the privacy protection of students' personal information, I was accidentally sent the full name and address of another student which is quite concerning.

Would you recommend this program?
No, I would not
Year Completed