A Tight-knit Oxford Community with IFSA Support

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

The people I met were a clear highlight of my time in the program. Though I was only at Oxford for a semester, current undergraduates made an effort to get to know the Visiting Students and I found them to be incredible individuals – driven and bright, compassionate, and curious. I still keep in touch with a few of them and hope we cross paths again in the future! The best advice I received was to join clubs and throw myself into different activities. The ones that I did join – ultimate frisbee and table tennis – were very welcoming and an important support network while I was there.

While I felt a strong sense of community within my Oxford college, it was also helpful to have outside IFSA support. Through IFSA, we had an orientation period in London, which prepped us for the experience and was a helpful transition time. Then, weekly, one of the IFSA residential advisors came down to Oxford in case we wanted to chat. I really enjoyed this opportunity to reflect on the week and to ask questions while adjusting to life in the UK. Overall, I would highly recommend this program! Oxford is a beautiful, historic place to study, filled with dedicated and caring students – and enrolling via IFSA makes the whole process rather seamless, and definitely provides helpful supports!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed