Great opportunity to gain work experience

Content: 4
Engagement: 5
Support: 5
Platform: 5
Value: 5

Virtual Internships were brilliant at matching me and my interests to a company that helped me get the most out of the program. I gained lots of experience and it was so useful having people in the industry I want to work in (the media industry) to talk to and ask questions about how it works and how to get my foot in the door.

The online resources from Virtual Internships was mostly good, it definitely motivated to keep making sure I was getting the most out of my internship. Some of the information was quite outdated or sometimes contradictory though, so I would take their online advice with a pinch of salt!

You also get two meetings with a mentor, one halfway through your internship and one at the end, and that was definitely very useful in making sure I was keeping track of what I was gaining from the internship, as now I know exactly what to put in my CV for it!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed