A Great Way to Start your TEFL Career

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Before moving to China with EF I had very little experience in ESL. I was impressed by the support I received in learning to teach ESL as well as make a transition overseas in general. They gave full financial support in areas of TEFL certification, visa costs, training, and travel to my new home. I was able to feel confident in both the position and making a move to somewhere I had never been and knew very little about. EF was a great place to begin my career in International Education!

Furthermore, China was a wonderful place to work and explore and I'm so happy I had the opportunity to call this place home through EF's teaching position abroad. The cost of living and opportunities for exploration made quality of life for an expat in this country hard to beat. Some cities and rural spaces are tough to travel through as there aren't as many English speakers, but it provides for a great opportunity to learn the local language!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed