Life Changing Experience!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

As a pre-med student, I went to Ghana as a part of the medical and healthcare outreach team. We did malaria testing in schools, wound care for the locals in their homes, and examination of patients in clinics. Seeing the differences in the healthcare system of Ghana versus America was such an eye-opening experience. I was able to treat people who were truly sick and did not have the resources in order to treat their current health situation. Unlike in America, the people in Ghana we were treating were so appreciative of our time and our care for them; they actually listened to our advice and plan of care because they wanted to get better.

In addition to learning so much to add to my medical knowledge, I learned a lot about myself as well. Being in Ghana, I gained insight about myself spiritually, I have more of a sense of my purpose in life, I have learned to appreciate the ordinary things in life, and my self-confidence has increased tremendously. I wish that I had stayed longer in order to enjoy the people and the country a bit more. I did not realize that I would meet other volunteers, locals, and staff members that were just like me: Selfless, passionate, tenacious, and so down-to-earth I was extremely sad to leave, but I left with my heart so full because everything I learned from this experience, I will remember and practice in every single thing I do in life from here on out.

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Year Completed