This experience exceeded all my expectations

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I was looking for a new start in life, so after considering a lot of countries and a lot of options, I felt the best place would be Cape Town. I was 100% right. VACorps gave me the opportunity to work in a fantastic Hi-tech startup with amazing, smart people and brilliant mentors. I learned about new technologies and gained outstanding skills and knowledge. After 2 months of working there, my host site offered me an official job at their Cape town office, which I accepted!

Cape Town is a city with a lot to offer. With endless outdoor options like hiking, going to the beach, wine tasting, paragliding, trail running, etc. The city also has an outstanding food scene and nightlife, which I thoroughly enjoyed exploring with my fellow program participants from all over the world. The VACorps Friday activities and weekend getaways were always interesting and fun.

I am so grateful for everything that VACorps and my internship company have offered me. Being here was such an exciting experience, and it was totally worth it. This experience exceeded all of my expectations. I feel like I have achieved all the goals I set for myself before coming to South Africa and more. I look forward to returning to Cape Town soon, and making the Mother City my home for the next few years!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed