My medical internship in Cape Town

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

The VaCorps program truly lived up to my expectations and more. Not only was I able to work in the medical field and learn about how hospitals are run, but I made so many new lifelong friends. The VACorps staff was so loving and understanding of all of my desires for my work environment and put me in a clinic that catered to my own personal interests. One of my favorite parts about interning in Cape Town was being able to see the different cultures that make up the country of South Africa, specifically the culture series that the VaCorps staff had weekly. I stayed for about 2 months during the summer and I believe this was the ideal time spent here in Cape Town. The two months allowed me to get a lot of experience in the medical clinic as well as participate in all of the activities Cape Town had to offer.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed