My adventure as a warrior and MAI

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I came into warriors as a troubled youngster that wasn't too excited about life at all. It took me a few weeks to adapt to the program as i came from a background of negativity and bad mindset. They were very patient with me even though i gave them many reasons not to. When i finally started trusting the process i could see a significant change in my everyday life. Slowly but surely i started to learn about myself and what i am capable of. My friends back home didn't recognise me they were scared of the changes that i made. So i started losing them one by one, and that just showed me how toxic they were and what bad influence they had on me in the past. I can truly say warriors academy open my eyes. At the end of the year i grew into a whole new person but i knew there was more for me to discover, i wasn't done. So i did the Multi-Activity Instructor year and oh man. It was probably the best year of my life, you learn how to be responsible and take care of others. Leadership skills on another level. Taking students and clients out on extreme adventures and knowing their lives are in your hands make you grow up quickly. You start shaping your mind into this machine that can do anything. Through all the physical stuff i've put myself through my mind has become stronger and stronger. I can truly say that i am ready for anything life can throw at me. These extremely challenging adventure have given me friends for life. I see them as family. Thank you Warriors Academy :)!

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Year Completed