Maximo has me excited and prepared for the next adventure

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 3
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 5

I wondered at first whether it would be worth it to do an in-person course. After all, online is more affordable and can be done at your own pace. However, I am leaving this 150 hour course with a level of confidence in my ability to teach English that I do not think I could’ve gotten from an online course.

Mackenzie is not only a master TEFL teacher himself, but a master at teaching TEFL. In other words, he uses the principles of TEFL on his students, getting us future English teachers to empathize with students learning English as a foreign language, and invariably to understand the “why” of TEFL. He always kept us on our toes in the best way. For much of the course, I wished for more time in front of actual classrooms—more than our 20 minute mini-lessons on Fridays and occasional pop-up vocab workshops—but I ended up feeling that our last week, Practical Teaching Week, was sufficiently challenging and useful. Lastly, Mackenzie and Maximo in general are extremely generous in their help with figuring out your career path as a TEFLer.

If you want a ticket to a life of travel but don’t know how to teach—or if you’re like me and have experience tutoring and teaching, but not to students of ESL—I strongly recommend Maximo Nivel - Antigua.

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Yes, I would
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