First-time teacher

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

If you are not sure whether to go for a year of teaching because you think it’s gonna be hard to do it alone, you should just go for it. Advice coming from a first-time teacher. I saw a post on Instagram and decided to write up my profile while watching a crime show or was it cricket? At each stage, there was someone there to help no matter what, and even after getting to South Korea, they are still there checking in. If you have any issues while applying or after arriving it’s easier to sort them out with the help of this amazing team working for this company. Also, at the school I ended up at I’ve become close to the teachers and even went with them on a hiking workshop – half an hour walk 😂.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed
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