Great Opportunity

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Hi Brad,

Well, my situation is terrific. I'm only about ten minute's walk from my work to the city center. I love my school, and I tell everyone that my Director has been very kind to me. The coworkers are great, especially the Korean co-teachers, because they are quick to assist since I'm a new teacher, and they are also supportive when I ask them for advice on lessons, curriculum, etc. A Korean coworker, in particular, has taken me under his wing, shown me around the city, introduced me to many Korean dishes, and taken me hiking on a few weekends. I'm delighted I chose to come to Korea and have this adventure so far away from back home in the States. These experiences will help me be a better teacher and I can't wait to travel around SE Asia after my contract finishes. I will probably want to come back from another year, so I will surely hit you up again. You were great in helping me gather all of the visa documents, getting them apostille notarized, finding a job, and following up with me after I was settled in Korea. I will be sure to recommend your agency to other expats who are looking for a good school.


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Yes, I would
Year Completed