I don’t want to go home!

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Hey Brad.

It's definitely been an adjustment process. but I think we're done walking around with our mouths open amazed at our surroundings and trying to recover from jetlag. Thank you so much for this opportunity and for placing Phil and me! The school has been treating us very well. I'm in kindergarten and Phil is upstairs teaching the older kids.
Since we have such different schedules, they've agreed to put us in separate apartments, which is great for us. Actually, the assistant director is taking us out to Costco tonight in Seoul so we can get stocked on the necessities...cool lady. The whole staff has been wonderful in showing us around and making sure me feel comfortable and at home.

Talk soon bro! Pat Brown, Bucheon City, Gyeonggido

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