A beautiful community.

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I have learned huge amounts after spending several weeks in the forest and I believe my life has been changed, in big and small ways, because of it.

To start with the big things, I learned, firstly, what it means to function as part of a collective. Everyone works together in selfless service to maintain the community. The result is that no matter how much I give, I always feel like I recieve more. Additionally, I discovered a model for living which doesn't cost the planet. I thought I was already environmentally conscious as a vegan who avoids excess consumption etc. But until coming to Sadhana, I didn't consider the impact of my toilet, my hand and clothes washing facilities, my meal choices, and so much more. (Or if I did consider them, I didn't believe I could implement them as I didn't have a model of people who were living this sustainably). I will not be able to continue many of my lifestyle choices that are taken as a given in England.
Moreover, the story of Sadhana Forest generally inspires me in life. It's hard for me to believe that this thriving community was once just 1 family, and the huge forest was once barren land. Experiecing the impact of a small group of people who wanted to create change gives me hope. Also, knowing this first hand gives me more confidence in myself to do bold actions than if I read about it.
I could go on, but I'll end the 'big things' here.

In terms of smaller things: I've made deep and rich connections, I've gained tons of creative food recipes, I've met all sorts of wonderful forest animals, I've developed lots of budding interests from workshops offered by volunteers, I've become much physically and mentally healthier.

Thank you Sadhana :)

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