Jeju or bust!

Benefits: 4
Support: 3
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 4

Korea is great place for traveling, meeting people and saving money. On Jeju the summer time is amazing for camping, hiking, beach volleyball and of course beaches. The winters are mild and there is always a group of foreigners up to something, whether it be yoga, taekwondo, or a Jeju Furey event. It also never ceases to amaze me how talented some of the people are here when it comes to art and music. As for EPIK, things are changing. They were talking about expecting a years experience to start, couples may not be placed together in the same city or area and you can't choose where you live. Whether these are in full effect, make sure to ask your recruiter.

Your schools are a crap shoot really. I've worked at amazing schools with amazing students and I've had the worst. Sometimes you have great co-teachers and sometimes you have ones that are hard to work with or none at all. My advice is try not to take it too seriously and go with the flow.

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