Constantly Exceeds Expectations

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Value: 5

I just came back from two weeks spent at CLI. I have no clue how to express how impressed I was with this school. Everything was fantastic. At pretty much every step I was given a lot of caring attention. I lived with a Chinese family, which gave me an extra chance to try more of Guilin's food, take a few walks around the neighborhood and practice my Chinese after the lessons.

What I particularly loved about the school is how transparent it was. Each person had a clear responsibility, so I knew who to talk to regarding extra events, learning schedule, my homestay or errands like getting a Chinese SIM card. Also, the teachers were incredibly friendly and engaged. I feel like we quickly became friends. There were lots of opportunities to try Chinese outside of the classroom - during the events, at the shop with other students or enjoying an outdoor lesson when the weather was good. The cherry on top was a goodbye banquet, during which I saw a performance of traditional Chinese music.

I have great memories and will definitely come back, this time for longer.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed