CLI Immersion Program

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Value: 5

I loved my time at CLI. I was there for a month and wish I could have stayed longer. After a month of language instruction, I developed a higher confidence level, especially with my listening comprehension.

I had three wonderful teachers and will continue working with one of them with online lessons. Each class lasted for two hours. I met with my comprehensive teacher daily, and we covered HSK 4 material. He was very patient, helpful, and deeply understood Chinese grammar.

I met with the speaking and listening teacher three times a week. Because there was no textbook, it was my most challenging and favorite class. We conversed for two hours straight. We did have preselected topics, such as Chinese culture and idioms, but having a free format stretched me because I had to rely on my ability and the vocabulary the teacher taught me. There were times I left this class mentally exhausted, but it was tremendously satisfying that I could do what I did.

My third class was a reading and writing class. If you don't hand-write Chinese characters, don't sweat it! CLI is very flexible with its students. I typed my assignments. The reading assignments helped me better grasp what modern China is like and the changes the society has undergone. I especially liked cracking "dad jokes" with my teacher, who taught me the term 冷笑话。

But the entire staff acts as teachers, albeit less formally. Every conversation is in Chinese, whether over lunch or a discussion in the hallway. Guilin is a great place to study because few Westerners and locals are very amiable. The school provides weekend trips to stunning locations, and during the evenings, there are abundant opportunities to get involved with sports or cultural activities.

If you want to learn Chinese, you cannot go wrong with CLI or Guilin!

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Yes, I would
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