The best experience volunteering with IVHQ!

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I volunteered in Livingstone, Zambia with IVHQ whilst on a gap year. I volunteered in a local primary and pre-primary school called Jolly Jemima and it was the best experience. I was out there for two weeks in total and wish I could have been there for longer. IVHQ was such a great organisation to use as they were so supportive throughout all of my preparation process. I was able to contact the project leader, Marianna whenever I needed and she was always quick to respond whether I was asking about visas or supplies to take she always had the answer. Before going I had to complete some volunteer training designed by IVHQ which was so useful, it covered matters such as not going with any assumptions, going with an open mind in order to help settle in and embrace a new culture. They also discussed respect within the community which is so key to ensure all volunteers feel welcome and a part of the community. Once out there I received emails from Marianna to check I was okay and had settled in well which was very comforting.
During the week I volunteered at the school and then on the weekends we had free time. IVHQ recommended activities for us which was really helpful as there are so many out in Livingstone due to the Victoria Falls and wildlife. All the activities they recommend are environmentally friendly projects and ensure no harm comes to the animals they are working with.
I would highly recommend using IVHQ for volunteering, they have volunteer projects all over the world. I also strongly felt that they are working with communities around the world that want the support rather than imposing support on communities, acting as though those communities needed help. I was there to assist in the schools, to help the teachers with lessons, playtimes or feeding times but I was also there to learn. The teaching methods were different but that didn't mean they were wrong it was just another way to do it, and it was clearly working with the children.
I am already aiming to save and fundraise in order to go back next year in the summer!

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