Choose a Different Location for Summer

Growth: 3
Support: 4
Fun: 3
Housing: 1
Safety: 5

Do not go to southern Spain in the summer in this program. What is not revealed on the website or in any other communications is that neither the school nor the homestay have air conditioning. Since the daily temperatures reach between 95 and 108 degrees and the apartment buildings retain that heat into the night, sleeping is miserable. My daughter was in a tiny room with another girl with no air conditioning or ventilation. The landlady took away the remote control for the one ceiling fan so they couldn't put it above the low setting or use it for too many hours as she was concerned about electricity use. My daughter actually fainted twice in the apartment during the first couple of days. The landlady also limited them to 3 minute showers each day--yes, 3 minutes! She would bang on the bathroom door if she thought they were using too much water. This was clearly just a boarding situation with the landlady's only concern being her profit and not the comfort or cultural experience of the students.

The local directors were kind and tried to make the excursions fun. However, there was a lot of free time and Granada is a small city with not much to do. The kids were not allowed to leave the city, so they did not get to explore any other cities even though they were there for 2 weeks. All of the excursions were day trips in the Granada area and it would have been nice to take some overnight trips to different cities.

Would you recommend this program?
No, I would not
Year Completed