Study Arabic Hebron Review

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Value: 5

Hello, my name is Irene from Spain. I am a graduate in Political Science and presently pursuing my Masters in Human Rights and International Law. This summer, I had the privilege to take the Summer Intensive Arabic course at the Excellence Center (EC) in Palestine.

During my five-week stay, my days typically started with Arabic lessons in the mornings. The lessons were well structured. I had been studying Fusha for four years before, so starting Amyia was a challenge, but here I have been able to communicate within a short period of time. I found the teaching method to be immersive, and I have learned many phrases and idioms that have greatly helped in grasping the nuances of the language. By the end of my course, I was able to converse about many topics in Amyia – a significant improvement from where I began.

Beyond the lessons, the EC organized visits to various places which further enriched my
understanding of the Palestinian culture and history. Being part of these visits allowed me to witness firsthand the socio-political context in which the language evolved.
The Center buzzed with a very positive energy. The staff and teachers were always eager to help, ensuring that I had everything I needed for a comfortable learning experience. The international volunteers and students added to the diversity of the Center, allowing for a rich and multicultural environment.

I visited several cities in Palestine, such as Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Jericho, Nablus, Tiberia, Haifa, Yaffa, and Acre. Each place, with its unique history and charm. However, living in Hebron and staying with a host family was the highlight. Their warmth, hospitality, and the day-to-day interactions helped me understand the Palestinian way of life from a grassroots level.

Regarding safety and security, I felt safe throughout my stay. The local people are extremely protective and ensure that visitors feel welcome.

It’s hard to pick favorites from such a wholesome experience. But the food, the people, and their spirit stood out. Palestinian hospitality is so inspiring and heartwarming. Their resilience, amidst all adversities, was truly a lesson for all of us. One of my favorite memories was being invited for lunch by a family whom I met on the way from Jerusalem to Hebron. The day I went to their house, we picked fresh vegetables from their garden and eggs from their chickens. We cooked on their terrace under the vines and talked for hours and ate a delicious fresh meal.

As I look back, my time in Palestine and at the Excellence Center was transformative. The region, often reduced to its political struggles in the media, is so much more. It’s a land of history, culture, hope, and dreams. The Palestinian spirit, their zest for life, and their warm hearts have made a lasting impression on me.

Would I recommend the Excellence Center and this experience to others? Without a doubt. If you’re keen on understanding Palestine beyond the headlines, there’s no better way. Come with an open heart, and you’ll leave with a soul enriched.
While the Centre is doing a commendable job, having more interactive cultural sessions
alongside the Arabic lessons would further enhance the learning experience.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
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