CET Taiwan

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Studying Abroad in Taiwan was a life-changing Experience. This was my first time studying Abroad, and I was unfamiliar with the application process. However, whenever I had any concerts, I could email or schedule a Zoom meeting with the CET Taiwan student services coordinator to clarify any questions.
I studied abroad with CET Taiwan in Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. During my time abroad in Taiwan, I improved my Chinese language skills and learned about Taiwanese history and culture. When abroad, making close friendships with the locals can be difficult. However, the CET language partner program and cultural activities facilitated my communication with Taiwanese and immersion into Taiwanese culture. While abroad, I joined as many CET cultural activities as possible so as not to miss my chance to create a new Taiwanese friend or learn something new about Taiwan. Although CET Taiwan does not have a language pledge, this did not stop me from wanting to use as much Chinese as possible. CET Taiwan staff encourage the language students to attend the club fair and join school clubs and organizations. I learned about the club fair with the CET Taiwan Newsletter and reminders on the group chat. I joined the girls' soccer club in the Fall semester, and it was an excellent time to meet new students and relax. Overall, I loved my time abroad in Taiwan, even though learning Chinese was not easy, and at times, homework was quite a lot. This experience pushed me to work hard and develop the techniques to communicate in Chinese. I always felt motivated to keep learning Chinese when I would meet with my Taiwanese friends, and they tell me 你的中文進步了! My test grades were not what I hoped. However, my friends and I could see personal improvement. 大家加油!

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