
Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I was a bit nervous about eventually getting to the atlas home because of the multiple hours drive in the taxi but as soon as I met Asare the driver I felt relieved as he is such a nice guy,he even bought me food on the way home. When i got to the house i was surprised.Atlas home is a really good maintained and clean place.But it was not the house itself that made me feel welcome and safe but the people there. Rhi,Dom,Frank,Lydia and of course Sam were really there for whatever the volunteers needed ,big plus they are great people i had the best time with them, definitely a reason to go back.The kids and all the teachers in the hweehwee school ,where i was doing reading clubs ,were absolutely amazing and so loving. I really miss Ghana and the chill,warm and friendly people there, hopefully i will manage to come back!Thank you atlas team for everything!

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Year Completed