Studying Abroad in Florence, Italy

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Before choosing Florence, I talked to many students who had previously studied abroad. Some people claimed Florence was a "basic" destination and "everyone studies there", but for me this was not the case. Florence was the best study abroad destination for me personally and for many of my peers. There is so much to see, do, and experience as I never had a day in which I was bored. Italy is full of amazing food, art, history, and culture. My housing with CAPA was amazing, a 3 minute walk to school compared to my friends in Barcelona who had at least a 45 minute commute to school including the metro. I met so many new people that I still talk with today. I think about this experience every day of my life.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed