Experience of a life time

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I recently had the privilege of volunteering with Hamba Africa in the breath-taking Welgevonden Game Reserve in South Africa, and I can honestly say it was an experience of a lifetime. From the moment I arrived, I was immersed in a world of stunning landscapes, incredible wildlife, and meaningful conservation efforts that left a lasting impact on me.

First and foremost, the highlight of my time in Welgevonden was undoubtedly encountering the entire Big 5 – lions, elephants, buffalo, leopards, and rhinos. - We were very lucky at times!

The daily scenery was incredible at Welgevonden, with vast plains, rolling hills, and diverse ecosystems. I went in the winter season and it was still great!

Accompanying you on most drives were, Harry and Rachel. Their passion for wildlife, extensive knowledge, and commitment to conservation added a rich layer to our experience. They not only shared fascinating insights about the animals but also made every outing enjoyable and educational. This was done alongside the reserve guides, Marge and Kutaza who were equally welcoming!

What sets Hamba Africa apart is the hands-on involvement in critical interventions. Participating in the Buffalo relocation was a highlight, allowing me to directly contribute to the conservation efforts and witness the positive impact of our collective work.

Beyond the daily activities within the reserve, Harry went out of his way to provide opportunities for extracurricular adventures that enriched my experience. Exploring Marakele National Park, mingling with locals at the pub, tracking African wild dog packs and even visiting Johannesburg.

One of the most rewarding aspects was the chance to connect with people from all walks of life. The camaraderie formed with fellow volunteers, as we shared our passion for wildlife and conservation, created lasting friendships. The diverse backgrounds and experiences of my fellow volunteers enriched the overall adventure - late nights by the camp fire were great as we reflected on the day, shared our stories underneath the clear starry skies.

The ecological work we engaged in was not only educational but also impactful. From monitoring migration patterns to participating in rhino identification surveys and bird surveys, every activity played a crucial role in the preservation of the reserve's delicate ecosystem. Hamba Africa provided a platform for us to contribute meaningfully to the conservation of South Africa's natural treasures.

I did my research prior to picking an organisation to do such an adventure with and picked Hamba thanks to Harry's welcoming and informative nature in the build up, which was only reinforced when meeting him at camp.

One final thing - Harry aided me in my proposal! After giving him the heads up I would like to propose whilst in Africa, a time and date was set, location found and it was done at sunset in a beautiful location. Harry and co captured some amazing footage of the moment and had some celebratory drinks and food afterwards!

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Yes, I would
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