Costa Rice: Initiative for Children

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

GLA Costa Rica's Initiative for Children Program is nothing short of transformative. The seamless blend of cultural immersion, education, and community service creates an unparalleled experience for participants. Witnessing the joy on the faces of the children and the tangible improvements in their educational environments is heartening. What sets GLA apart is its commitment to sustainable development, ensuring that the positive changes endure long after the volunteers have departed. This program goes beyond traditional volunteerism; it cultivates global citizenship, instills leadership skills, and leaves a lasting legacy of empowerment. GLA Costa Rica has undoubtedly succeeded in not only rebuilding schools and providing resources but also in nurturing a generation of compassionate and informed global citizens who are inspired to create positive change in their communities and beyond.

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Year Completed