Hanyang International Summer School- Epic

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I spent July in Seoul, South Korea and my experience was like no other I've had before. I met so many lovely locals and other foreign study-abroad students. One of the most interesting aspects of studying at an international school was meeting students from places I know little about and learning from them about their cultures.

There were times when our groups of foreign students attracted unwanted attention from locals in forms such as subtle picture-taking. While this was an issue a few times, it was understandable given the diversity differences between South Korea and our primarily American groups. Overall, everyone we met was super nice and accommodating to us.

I found that knowing a bit of Korean was helpful for getting around and having small conversational exchanges but it's not necessary. The classes are in English and there is lots of help from the program to get students set on the right path.

I loved the course I took which taught me more about Korean culture and wasn't too difficult, which I appreciated for a summer course. The TEAN program and HISS also set up activities and trips that helped to submerge us in the culture. These were wonderful and ensured that even if we struggled to plan our own excursions, there was something guaranteeing we got out.

I never experienced culture shock or became homesick but many students did experience this. I would advise doing research before arriving in Korea to better understand cultural differences. It helped prepare me for my arrival and softened the effect of cultural differences. This is also important for people who aren't sure if they'll feel comfortable in the culture. Looking into the cultural differences (ie. loud speaking) can help choose the best fit for places to spend more extensive periods of time.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed
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