Thanks to RISH for organizing such a fantastic summer camp!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Our 14 year-old son joined RISH summer camp in Shanghai for a delightful three weeks in July 2023. I am very satisfied with RISH's daily itinerary. They typically have three hours of Chinese class in the morning. After lunch and a break, the afternoon consists of themed Chinese cultural classes, covering subjects such as Chinese history, calligraphy, folk customs, dyeing art, traditional Chinese games, specially designed intensive courses for the HSK exam. In addition to the school-based learning, they also incorporate outings into the schedule. My son visited the Bund in Shanghai, took a cruise on the Huangpu River, ascended the Jinmao Tower for a panoramic view of Shanghai, explored Nanjing Road pedestrian street, visited the Chenghuang Temple market, and toured museums in Shanghai. He also had the chance to savor authentic Shanghai soup dumplings, Beijing roast duck, hot pot, and other characteristic Chinese cuisines. After finishing the academic part of the camp, he went on to explore the beautiful cities of Hangzhou and Suzhou. I have to say that their itinerary is unique, and the content is incredibly rich and exciting. If you want your child to spend 2-3 weeks experiencing China and Chinese culture, RISH is definitely the right choice. Thanks to RISH for organizing such a fantastic summer camp!

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