Kirikiri Iwate Japan

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 3
Value: 4
Safety: 4

We had a 6 day workweek. Actually this was 2 person (me and the coordinator from NICE) camp for most of the 2 weeks I spent at Kirikiri. On certain days we had other volunteers (from Japan) sleeping in out hut. During the day bus loads of Japanese volunteers from different organizations would arrive to help.
After having breakfast we would prepare the work area for the volunteers who would arrive at about 9 am. Work would vary from gathering wood from tsunami devastated buildings, chopping and packaging the wood for sale as "Revival Firewood", and end at 2:30 pm (this is to give the volunteers not connected with the work camp enough time to return to their home bases). Work for the work campers (all 2 of us) did not end at 2:30 pm. We still had to do stuff like secure the work area, stoke the wood furnace to heat the bath water, and scrub down the bath houses (I did the male bathhouse and the female coordinator did the female bath house) every other day.
On our day off we went fly fishing or gathered edible mushrooms (a professor from the prefectural university was there to insure that no poisonous mushrooms were taken).
I would encourage any VFPer to join this work camp, although he or she may be the only person in attendance from outside Japan.

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Yes, I would