Paris: A Semester of Semi-Immersion

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Paris is a wonderful place to spend the summer. The culutural scene is beyond compare and the city is relatively safe. I was told that the best thing to do is to get lost ...and I did (of course I kept my apartment address in my pocket so if I couldn't find my own way back I could get help). I saw a lot of cool things I wouldn't have seen otherwise and it gave me the confidence to explore further.

However, speaking French is not required outside of the classroom. Paris is so global I found most people responded to me in English. That's great for beginning French students, not so great when you want to practice your French.

The courses were interesting and the staff was great, but the biggest educational aspects occurred outside of the school. Those came in the social aspects of purchasing groceries, attending the Fireman's ball, visiting museums,riding the metro, sitting in the park, and yes even enduring the "Did you drop your ring?" scammers.

The whole city was my classroom for the summer. A semi-immersion into the French speaking world...I could live among the French, speak their language, and still have the comfort of my English speaking classmates. I think that's why this program is so successful. It allows you to customize your immersion: you can jump in and submerge your entire body or just dip your big toe.

I know this was a summer I'll never forget and one I would like to live again and again.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would