Not without problems

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 4
Safety: 4

Well, I can't say my teaching started off on the right foot here in Dubai. This secondary school is a little unorganized and lacking of some key resources - um, paper anyone? But at least my coordinator at Teach Away informed me of what I could expect, so I prepared some materials to bring along which have helped me get through this rough spot without much issue. I guess that's just part of teaching internationally - rolling with the punches that is.

Other than the unorganized manner of the school and staff, they are trying to improve. And my Teach Away coordinator has been there to support me any time I had a query, or even a breakdown *sob*

But I have now learned to love my post, which has been a great achievement with thanks to Teach Away.

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Yes, I would