Seriously Amazing

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I would highly recommend the CET Film Production program in Prague, especially if you are hoping to work in the film industry. Not only are the professors working professionals in the industry and incredibly knowledgeable and helpful, but, at least for my semester, I learned just as much from my peers, who came from all kinds of backgrounds, and created such an amazing and inspiring environment in which to create a film. Throughout this program my skills as a camera operator and cinematographer grew immensely, and it gave me the confidence to put myself out there more, which helped me ultimately get an internship this past summer doing documentary film work at the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage in Washington, DC (side note: you can focus on whatever area you are most interested in when creating your film. I was the camera operator and cinematographer, but if you want to direct, produce, write, etc. you can have that role as well). In terms of day to day experience, our apartments, which were way nicer and bigger than I had expected, were right in the middle of the city with lots to do in close walking distance and just a short tram ride from FAMU and the city centre. We did spend quite a bit of time in class, but we didn't have much homework otherwise, so you'll have plenty of time to work on your film and explore the city. On that note, however, you are expected to come to class and participate, and of course write, produce, and edit a short film during the semester. You will have a lot of support from your professors and your classmates (you'll form groups for your film), but it is a lot of work and you need to be proactive if you want to make a film you can be proud of. To end, one of the highlights for me was visiting Barrandov Studios (basically the Hollywood of Prague - you'll go there to get your film transferred from film to digital so you can edit) to tour the set of a film one of our professors was the cinematographer for.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would