Pura Vida!

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 4

Costa Rica is a lush tropical paradise full of all sorts of life. I personally saw several sloths, monkeys, toucans, frogs, and coatis (my favorite) on several different occasions! Some of these encounters were even on school campus. Classes were taught by amazing professors that were passionate about Costa Rica's biodiversity and had an interest in our education as students. The town I was in, San Ramon, was lovely in itself as everything was extremely walkable and there were several charming cafe's and restaurants to go to for snacking, homework, or to meet up with friends. My host family was very supportive during my stay and encouraged seeing as much as I could during the four months I was there. The weekends were reserved for going out and seeing someplace new in the country since almost every destination had a convenient bus route from our city. These trips were usually done with friends that I met within the program which was interesting since almost everyone is from a different state or region in the US. I got to experience beautiful beaches, forests, cultures, and people during my semester abroad and I wouldn't change any of it!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed